Come Photograph Some Northwest Vineyards With Me…

Its all about the light they say!

That may be true but…  you need a multitude of other factors to converge, all in perfect timing, WITH that light.

  • You check frequently to see if the vineyard colors are the shades of orange, gold, and red you’re looking for.
  • You pray Mother Nature to not make so much wind and/or rain that leaves will fall, especially the up-close ones.  If you loose too many leaves you can kiss-off the project till next year’s try.
  • You choose the time of day for your preferred light direction (morning or evening most likely).
  • You “scout out” and find shooting sites that “will work” and don’t involve property trespassing.  I take along a tall step ladder so to see over fences, walls, or field corn.
  • You make sure to take ALL your equipment, especially the tripod, so you can adapt to the various conditions (low light levels, etc).  Lack of a tripod has been my biggest equipment problem.  Solution;  buy a second tripod and keep it in the car.


2012… this is the third year I’m trying to capture Yamhill and Chehalem Valley vineyards with full Fall color, blue skies and puffy clouds. 

It seems like I get 2 or 3 “misses” for every 1 “hit” when I drive out to the valleys… so check the “hit” I got last week near the Oregon town of Yamhill (Chehalem Valley).    It felt really good when all these conditions came together.  Tell me what YOU think.

→click on this image to make it fill your screen←Sunset evening in the Chehalem Valley

The thin layer of light blue evening mist caught me by surprise.

Check the following gallery of vineyards….   Each image shows vineyard and location.  Click on any one to open the gallery then “arrow” left or right for other images.

These few images made my 3-hour jaunt more than worth it. 

It’ll be tough… waiting till the next time the “right light” joins up with my other variables.  I’ll sure enjoy looking for it though.






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