Gardens (just ours), 2012…
Nature’s handiwork is hard to replicate in photograph and its especially tough to reproduce as I really see and feel our personal gardens. This page is my attempt to give just a little extra camera discipline and do it as well as I can… Next year we’ll do it again.
<click on any image to enlarge… then “arrow” left or right>
Early Summer, late June
Springtime earlier; Cherry blossom time
We have many places to sit – the swing is one
Sweet Potato planter
This tank is Winter-loaded with tulip bulbs to bloom early. Then come the geraniums for Summertime.
Coming in the driveway; here’s some of what you see.
The Frog Garden grows high and full
A composition of four images side by side by side.
An easy garden to maintain; The soil is rich, sun is ample, and the water is plenty.
Up close
Hostas and heuchres love this corner spot
Looking north and slightly east out over the most colorful of our gardens.
Up closer to the Frog Garden…
Looking the opposite direction, Southward
Raccoons and Great Blue Herons are real issues for the fish in this tiny pond. The coons ate ’em all.
Gardens to the right of stairway; Frog Garden Right
Frog Garden Right up close
Close to side porch and handy to the kitchen
Looking back to the house from the Butterfly Garden
Sedum in pots, stacked on a 6foot piece of rebarb anchored in the ground
Looking from the firepit area toward the pupper’s fenced yard
Betsy in her yard during Rhododendron season, May
Must be the month of May; The time of Rhodies
The garden shed
Birdhouse townhomes
This crude bench is one of nine places to sit in the gardens
The Orphan Garden, originally was all “orphan” plants (Carlene’s throw-aways). I hate to see a plant die 🙂
The Orphan Garden again
All heuchreas; Couldn’t get Cannas to prosper
The bathroom garden of rhodies and hostas
My other name for this garden “The Bathroom Garden”. All plants but the Rhodies are of the Lily family.
The only level 48foot stretch on our property. I had to shovel some to make it that way.
Looking toward the birdfeeder garden and our evening sitting deck
Looking out the back window over the gardens to the “forest”.
Ole Granddad is the aged white Rhodie. Totem pole lives in the background
One of our most prolific growing gardens. It gets wonderful morning sunlight.
This garden used to home a rhododendron tree which was eliminated
This clay raccoon has been sittin’ on the rock watching for nearly 10years.
Looking northward to the totem pole garden
GeeTwo enjoying the rose garden
Rose Garden with the Sedum too
Carlene painted this rooster who lives in the sedum garden
This garden is framed with half of the former entry door jams to the house.
Soft Roses
Salmon colored roses
The Stargazer Lily at its prime
My favorite rose, the Candleabra
Purples and soft orange
Entry gate to the veggie garden. Welcome
Side entry from the path to the house
The gnomes work at night tending the vegetable gardens. They do well… and I pick the fruit.