I love the look of Fuschia blooms – I like how they seem so intricate, so dainty, so artistic, pretty and loaded with color. But, I have a problem…
I’ve tried photographing and making pictures the past few years (we have many blooms) but can not ever seem to do them pictorial justice — not been able to capture the essence of the bloom as I see it live. My photo bloom always gets lost in the plant and foliage, it seems to not ever stand up and out in the photo like it does live & in real life?? What is the problem??
So…. I’m going to resort to artificial means and isolate the intricate bloom and put it on non-plant backgrounds. Maybe it’ll be interesting this way. We’ll see.
Tell me what you think and …. I’ll explain how I put the textures and frames in behind and on top of the blooms to hopefully contrast and bring out the bloom’s amazing beauty. Maybe this’ll be a step in the right direction.